Biopesticides Liquid



Trichoderma – Bio Repellent
Trichoderma as biological control agents have been widely used against many plant pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and higher parasitic plants. This species of fungi has been considered to be very beneficial for different levels of life.
It features remote sensing and is fast in attacking and suppressing the growth of plant pathogens, and it improves plant growth.


Soil Application:For one acre, mix 1-2 lit. of Trichorich in 100-150 kg of compost and apply near root zone of plant.

Foliar Spray: 3-5 ml per lit. of water

Seed Treatment: mix 20 ml of Trichorich per lit. of water and apply to 1 kg of seeds.

Packing: 1 Liter