Biopesticides Liquid



Psudorich - Biostimulator
Psudorich works as a biostimulator and bio-repellent by repelling plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria. It prevents Blast, Bacterial Blight, Root Rot, Brown leaf spot, Wilt etc. It also promotes plant growth by releasing auxins, cytokinins, gibberellic acid etc.


Soil Application: 1-2ltr.ofpsudorich per acre through drip or drenching or mix with 150-200kg compost manure per acre.

Foliar Application: 3-5ml per lit. of water

Seed Treatment: Take 20ml of psudorichadd little water & make paste then apply to the 1kg of seed.

Seedling/Tubers: Take 300ml of psudorich& mix it in 10 ltr. of water then soak the seedlings/tubers /suckers for 5 minutes.

Packing: 1 Liter