Biopesticides Liquid



Ampelomycesquisqualis – Biocontrol Agent
Ampelomycesquisqualis is a naturally occurring fungal parasite of powdery mildews. It reduces growth and may kill the mildew colony, the micro parasite directly penetrate the walls of hyphae, conidiophores and immature cleastothesia, but may be unable to infect mature cleastothesia.
Approximately in 7–10 days, microparasites spread within the hyphae the mildew colony without killing it. Thereafter, the process of pycnidial formation begins and complete within 2–4 days, infected cells generally die soon after pycnidial formation begins. Repeated applications are required generally and high humidity and rain fall help in spread to developing mildews colonies. Controls Powdery Mildew disease caused by pathogens like Erysiphe sp., Blumeria sp., Oidium sp., Sphaerotheca sp., Microsphaera sp.


Soil Application: Apply 1-2 ltr. ofShree Amphilo per acre through water by drenching

Foliar Spray: 5 ml per lit. of water

Packing: 1 Liter