Biopesticides Liquid



BVM – Biocontrol Agent
Shree BVM is a unique Entomopathogenic fungal consortia based formulation, comprised of dormant spores of BeauveriaBassiana, Verticillium lecani, Metarhizium Anispole which helps to control different pests and insects. The spores attached to insect cuticle, germinate and penetrate into the insect body. The hyphae through enzymes action, proliferate in the body apart from this it produce certain toxins, eventually it kills the insect. Target Insects: Pest of vegetables and fruits and sucking pest like whitefly & Aphids. Lepidopeterous including Helicoverpa, Spodopetra, Borers, Egg emerging stages or 1st instars stage of caterpillars like heliothis.


Soil Application: Apply 2 lit. of Shree BVM per acre of crop through water by drenching, flood or drip irrigation.

Foliar Spray: use 5 ml of Shree BVM per lit. of water for spraying.

Packing: 1 Liter