Biopesticides Liquid



Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) – Biocontrol Agent
Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) is a soil-dwelling bacterium that occurs naturally in the environment. It produces Crytoxins that are lethal to specific insects so it is useful in pest control. Bacillus Thuringiensis is a biological insecticide that works as a stomach poison in specific insects once it is ingested. It produces proteins that react with the digestive lining causing paralysis in the digestive system. The insect will immediately stop feeding and die hours to a few days later. BT is used in the agricultural sector with vegetable crops, field crops, fruit crops, greenhouses, and organic crops.

Target Insects: Caterpillars, Weevils, Leafhoppers, Bugs, Grubs and Leaf-feeding insects


Soil Application: Apply 1-2 ltr. of Shree BT per acre through water by drenching.

Foliar Spray: 5 ml per lit. of water

Packing: 1 Liter