Biopesticides Liquid



Bacillus Substilis – Biocontrol Agent
Bacillus substilis is a soil bacterial species, which exhibits antagonist property against bacterial and fungal pathogens and thus protects plants from diseases. They are able to control several soil, seed borne and air borne crop disease caused by fungus belong to deuteromycetes, oomyecetes, ascomycetes and bacterial plant pathogens. The fungal and bacterial plant pathogens undergo nutritional competition with bacillus substilis, apart from these, they secret several enzymes, antibiotics and chemical substances which are lethal to pathogens.

Target Disease:Fungal and bacterial diseases, such as those casing root and collar rot, Powdery and Downey mildew in grapes and other crops.


Soil application: Apply 1-2 ltr. ofBacillus per acre through water by drenching at the root zone or through irrigation.

Foliar Spray: Use 5 ml Bacillus per ltr. of water for spraying.

Packing: 1 Liter