Biopesticides Dextrose



Pacilomyces lilacinus – Bio Control Agent (Dextrose Base)
S Neamcurecontains nematophagous fungi known as Pacilomyces lilacinus. It is an important natural enemy of some plant-parasitic nematodes. It can parasitize eggs and infect larvae of nematodes. Reduce the harm caused by plant nematodes such as cyst nematodes and stem nematodes. S Neamcure protects the root system of crops caused by plant parasitic nematodes, specifically root-knot nematodes, banana nematodes and other nematodes infesting vegetable.


Superior over conventional powder and liquid biopesticides

Easy to handle and use.

Good Shelf life.

Quick Activation.

Equivalent to two litters of regular liquid biopesticides.

Dosage & Mode of Application:

Through broadcasting: For one acre of crop, mix 200 gm of S Neamcure in 10 liter of water, sprinkle over moist compost material, mix well & incubate under shade for 12-16 hrs. or overnight. Broadcast this material in the field before sowing or add near plant root zone.

Through Drip and Flood irrigation: For one acre of crop, mix 200 gm of S Neamcure in 200 ltr. water, for better result add 2 Kg Jaggery or sugar and or any grain flour, keep for 2-3 hrs. Incubation and then apply.

For Drenching: Mix 200 gm of S Neamcure in appropriate amount of water and then drench near root zone of crop or sapling trays.

Packing: 200 Gm