Biopesticides Dextrose



Metarhizium Anisopliae – Bio Control Agent (Dextrose Base)
Metarhizium anisopliaeis an entomopathogenic fungus that infects insects that come in contact with it. Once the fungus spores attach to the surface of the insect, germinate and begin to grow, they then penetrate the exoskeleton of the insect and grow very rapidly inside the insect causing the insect to die. Other insects that come in contact with infected insects also become infected with the fungus.


Superior over conventional powder and liquid biopesticides

Easy to handle and use.

Good Shelf life.

Quick Activation.

Equivalent to two litters of regular liquid biopesticides.

Dosage & Mode of Application:

Through broadcasting: For one acre of crop, mix 200 gm of Metarich in 10 liter of water, sprinkle over moist compost material, mix well & incubate under shade for 12-16 hrs. or overnight. Broadcast this material in the field before sowing or add near plant root zone.

Through Drip and Flood irrigation: For one acre of crop, mix 200 gm of Metarich in 200 ltr.Water, for better result add 2 Kg Jaggery or sugar and or any grain flour, keep for 2-3 hrs. Incubation and then apply.

Foliar application: For one acre crop, mix 200 gm of Metarichin 200 ltr. of water and spray, for better result, mix 1kg Jaggery or sugar and or rice water prepared from 500 gm of rice or any grain flour to enhance the effect. Spray during evening hours.

Packing: 200 Gm