Biopesticides Dextrose



Bacillus Subtilis – Bio Control Agent (Dextrose Base)
Bacillus subtilis is a soil bacteria species, which exhibits antagonist property against bacterial and fungal pathogens and thus protect plants from diseases. They are able to control several soil, seed borne and air borne crop disease caused by fungus belong to deuteromycetes, oomycetes, ascomycetes and bacterial plant pathogens. The fungal and bacterial pathogens undergo nutritional competition with bacillus subtilis, apart from these they secrete several enzymes, antibiotics and chemical substances which are lethal to pathogens.


Superior over conventional powder and liquid biopesticides

Easy to handle and use.

Good Shelf life.

Quick Activation.

Equivalent to two litters of regular liquid biopesticides.

Dosage & Mode of Application:

Through broadcasting: For one acre of crop, mix 200 gm of Bacillus in 10 liter of water, sprinkle over moist compost material, mix well & incubate under shade for 12-16 hrs. or overnight. Broadcast this material in the field before sowing or add near plant root zone.

Through Drip and Flood irrigation: For one acre of crop, mix 200 gm of Bacillusin 200 ltr. water, for better result add 2 Kg Jaggery or sugar and or any grain flour, keep for 2-3 hrs. Incubation and then apply.

Foliar application: For one acre crop, mix 200 gm of Bacillusin 200 ltr. of water and spray, for better result, mix 1kg Jaggery or sugar or available grain flour or 1 ltr. Milkto enhance the effect. Spray during evening hours.

Target Insects:Fungal and bacterial diseases, such as those casing rot and collar rot, powdery and Downey mildew in grapes and other crops.

Packing: 200 Gm