Biopesticides Dextrose



Ampelomyces Quisqualis – Bio Control Agent (Dextrose Base)
Ampelomyces quisqualis is a fungal species that exhibit hyper parasitism on powdery mildew colonies of grape and other plants. This parasitism inhibit the growth and ultimately kill the mildew colonies generally takes approximately in 7-10 days. There after the process of pycnidia formation begins and complete within 2-4 days and infected mycelia gets die.


Superior over conventional powder and liquid biopesticides

Easy to handle and use.

Good Shelf life.

Quick Activation.

Equivalent to two litters of regular liquid biopesticides.

Dosage & Mode of Application:

At the time of emergence of disease condition i.e. rainfall followed by high humidity, apply 200gm of Shree Amphilo per acre through foliar spray by mixing 1 gm per liter of water. For better result, add 1 kg of jaggery or sugar or available grain flour to enhance the effect repeat the application for 2-3 times within 15-20 days.

Target Insects:Mainly powdery mildew but also parasitic on botrytis cinerea, Alternaria solani.

Packing: 200 Gm