Biofertilizer Liquid



KMB– Potash Mobilizing Bacteria
Potassium (K) is considered as an essential nutrient and a major constituent within all living cells. Naturally, soils contain K in larger amounts than any other nutrients; however most of the K is unavailable for plant uptake. Application of chemical fertilizers has a considerably negative impact on environmental sustainability. It is known that potassium mobilizing bacteria (KMB) can solubilize K-bearing minerals and convert the insoluble K to soluble forms of K available to plant uptake.


Seed Treatment: Mix 10-20 ml of Shree KMB per lit. of water, apply to 1 kg of seed.

Soil Application: For one acre of crop, mix 1-2 lit. ofShree KMB in 100-150 kg of moist compost and broadcast.

• Foliar Application: 5-6 ml of Shree KMB per lit. of water.

Packing: 1 Liter